Types of dental extraction explained by our dentist
Have you neglected your dental hygiene and now need to have a tooth removed? Or are you about to undertake braces and need to make some room?
While they are associated with decay, our team may decide to remove a tooth or teeth for many reasons, which can be linked to space, braces, or even impaction. In dental care, there are different kinds of extractions that can be performed, each with its unique considerations and techniques.
So, if you need to have a tooth extracted, visit our team at The Dental Avenue. Our dentist Fairfield will ensure that all of your concerns and worries are answered, and we will also oversee your aftercare.
Interestingly, having a tooth removed falls into different categories, and here, our dentist Fairfield breaks them down.
Simple extraction
A simple extraction is a routine procedure in which our dentist Fairfield uses forceps to loosen a tooth and remove it from its socket. This type of extraction is usually performed on teeth that are fully visible and have a single root. An anaesthetic will be used to numb the area, and the procedure is typically quick and comfortable.
Surgical extraction
A surgical extraction is a complicated procedure in which the tooth is not easily visible or accessible in the mouth. This type of extraction is typically performed on teeth that are impacted (stuck beneath the gum line), severely decayed, or broken off at the gum line. A surgical extraction may also be necessary if the tooth has curved roots or if there is not enough bone surrounding the tooth to support the extraction. In a surgical extraction, an incision is made in the gum to access the tooth, and it may need to be cut into smaller pieces to be removed. Patients may require sedation or general anaesthesia for this type of extraction.
Wisdom teeth extraction
Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are usually the last teeth to erupt in the mouth, and they often do not have enough room to emerge properly; this can cause them to become impacted. Wisdom teeth extraction is usually a surgical procedure that involves removing one or more of these teeth. The procedure may require sedation or general anaesthesia, and the recovery period can take several days.
Orthodontic extraction
In many cases, teeth may need to be extracted as part of orthodontic treatment to correct misaligned teeth or overcrowding. Orthodontic extraction is typically a simple procedure and is usually undertaken before you wear a brace or use an aligner.
In all cases, tooth extractions are typically performed as a last resort when other dental treatments are not effective. We will usually try to save a tooth whenever possible, but in some cases, extraction may be the best option for maintaining oral health and preventing further damage.
After dental extraction, patients may experience some discomfort and swelling. Our team at The Dental Avenue will provide instructions for post-operative care, including pain management, diet restrictions, and oral hygiene practices.
All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.